
Program ideas for your graduation day party

Should it be a party or a ball? Do you imagine speeches, graduation and long evening gowns or rather confetti and a cranky bass? Here are the ultimate program ideas for a varied evening and motto ideas that will make your celebration even more fun.


School management, teachers of the main subjects often give short speeches. You too can give a short speech with a review of your school days. Nevertheless, make sure that the program item does not go too long.


See if the local musicians would like to perform, if there is a band in your school or if you book a regional band. 

Flashback with picture show

Collect memories of joint school trips, graduation trips and parties and compile the best pictures from them. 

Quiz show

Think of questions that apply to your school days and make a show out of them: who was the best dancer, who was the most annoying couple and who had the most embarrassing appearance on the final trip? 

Partying and dancing

You cannot do without the unofficial fun part. So find a DJ at your level or book an external DJ and crank up the bass!

Themed ideas for your graduation party

It does not matter whether it is a prom or a party, your evening should be unforgettable. Here you will find four ideas that allow you to create a festive and at the same time individual and unique evening.


The golden 20 with their flapper dresses, sequins and casual swing music or the elegant 50 with pencil skirts and American diner chic: Hardly any other motto goes as well with graduation ceremonies as good old retro! You can dress particularly festively to match the decade. 


The motto circus mainly reflects in the decoration of your graduation party and creates a unique atmosphere. Decorate your location colorfully with hula-hoop tires, circus tent tarpaulins or small pennant garlands, your moderator could act as a circus director and the teachers as artists. 


When you think of the glamorous casinos in Las Vegas, it fits perfectly with a legendary graduation party. Elegant eveningwear is of course mandatory for everyone: tuxedos, long evening dresses and glittering accessories should not be missing here. With the right decoration made of dice, poker decks or paper money, you can create a casino atmosphere.


Many gold, old cameras, popcorn, a few star cuts of your favorite roles: it does not get much epic. Make your graduation ceremony a gala in old Hollywood style and look forward to your guests throwing on their finest threads. The soundtracks of old films are perfect as background music.

University graduation ceremony: Bachelor/Master

A champagne reception often takes place when the certificate handed over in person, including a speech by the faculty management. To make the experience remarkable, you and your close friends can hire Toronto limousine services and enjoy the evening. After the certificate, the day is yours. 

Do you have a band or a university choir to perform at your graduation ceremony? Organize the subsequent champagne reception outside and add something special to it. 

James Chalmers
the authorJames Chalmers