

We must become aware that calcium is an essential mineral found in the human body. A more significant percentage of calcium in the body is, however, found in the bones and teeth. In contrast, about one percent of the total calcium found in the body is located in the bloodstream. What then are the dangers of having too much calcium deposit in the arteries. Arteries are blood vessels that help carry oxygen and nutrients from the heart to the body’s tissues. However, when there is excess calcium in the bloodstream, and when it gets combined with cholesterol, where the issue of calcium heart score becomes critical, and these deposits can lead to partial or complete blockage. It also brings to harden the walls of the artery. 

The term “atherosclerosis” is what it means to have deposits of calcium and fatty material in the arteries, and the buildup of calcium in the bloodstream increases the calcium heart score, and people with high calcium heart score are exposed to the risk of being more susceptible to heart attacks and strokes. And this now makes it essential to ensure a good calcium heart score, having known the damage that it is capable of causing in the body systems. So having known the problem that a very high calcium heart score can cause, the next most important question now becomes what then is a good calcium heart score? Because of a continuum for this diagnostic that exists, it may be hard to identify a normal range for one’s calcium heart score. However, it is best to view the score in terms of knowing your relative risk level of heart disease and how important it will be to make adjustments in one’s lifestyle as calcium heart score ranges from 0 and above.

0 = (No plaque detected (The risk of any heart disease is shallow, it is less than 5%)

1 -10 = (Calcium noticed is exceptionally minimal, and the risk of any danger is still low less than 10% risk factor.)

11 – 100 = (Mild levels of plaque detected with certainty, it becomes crucial that close attention be paid to it from the heart.)

101 – 300 = (Moderate levels of plaques seen, which predisposes one to a high risk of a heart attack within 3 -5 years.)

300 – 400 = (An extensive level of plaque was detected, which exposes a very high risk of a heart attack.)