
Read This If You Are Looking for a Suitable Diabetic Foot Ulcer Management

Woman massaging her aching foot

Due to complications from their diabetes, more than 60,000 diabetic patients need to have their lower extremities amputated every year. The majority of the time, a podiatric surgeon’s early intervention can prevent this tragedy by treating the ulcers and preventing infection.

Diabetes patients are susceptible to infections, diabetic foot ulcers, and consequences from those infections. Patients who have diabetic foot ulcers or wounds are more likely to require proper wound care Orange County, hospitalization, surgery, or amputation.

In reality, the CDC reports that 130,000 hospitalizations for diabetic amputations occur each year. Up to 11.8% of diabetics have a wound, and many may eventually require surgery. This implies that both prevention and wound management for diabetic foot ulcers are crucial.

However, diabetics who take the time to comprehend and effectively treat the side effects of their condition through foot and ankle specialist Orange County can reduce the dangers, and some diabetics may even avoid the need for diabetic foot ulcer therapy altogether through preventative measures.

What a diabetic foot ulcer is?

A foot ulcer is an open wound or sore that typically develops on the bottom of the foot, though it can also occur on the ankle or leg. A foot ulcer may just be visible at the skin’s surface or it may penetrate all three of the skin’s core layers quite deeply.

How the podiatrist is going to treat your diabetic foot ulcer?

  • Check the region to see if the blood is flowing there (blood delivers healing properties to wounds)
  • Clean your ulcer area and remove if any dead tissue is present.
  • Use a special shoe, air boot, padding, bracing, or in-shoe orthotics to relieve pressure on the foot area.

The following are a few tips to manage your diabetic foot ulcer conditions.

1.      Keep your wound covered and moist

Our mothers might have advised us to “air out” a wound in order to hasten to heal. The opposite, however, is also true if there is a wet layer beneath a covered bandage, they will heal more quickly.

The only exception is when a wound is internally leaking profusely, in which case a more absorbent dressing is needed.

2.      Closely monitor your blood sugar levels

Diabetic patients are aware of the need of monitoring their blood glucose levels carefully. If you have a foot wound, often known as a diabetic foot ulcer, this is very crucial.

Our white blood cells cannot repair tissues when blood glucose levels are high. Low blood flow surrounding the healing process and small blood vessel disease are also risks of high glucose levels.

3.      Reduce the pressure on the foot

Walking may slow down wound healing, but a 2017 study involving 49 patients found that unprotected standing may be a more hidden and dangerous factor.

Also, the study found that standing duration, which is nearly three times larger than the walking length in neuropathic foot ulcers, is the sole significant predictor of recovery at 12 weeks.

When to see a podiatrist?

It is time to visit an expert in Orange County wound care if you are experiencing any of the aforementioned problems. Contact Podiatry Associates to schedule a consultation.