
Different Types of Plug-and-Play Industrial Connectors

Every appliance where any kind of data or signal transmission takes place, cannot work without the connectors. Connectors help the machinery in sending and receiving signals. People who work in huge industries understand the importance of industrial connectors in making their equipment highly durable and long-lasting. Connectors are the basic requirement for creating connections in machines and due to this they are highly popular and used everywhere in all kinds of industries, factories, plants, and even in offices. This may surprise you if you are not aware of connectors that are used in moving vehicles as well. 

There are various types of industrial connectors available in the market these days and as an Engineer, it is very important to understand the various types and their usages. As there is continuous up-gradation in the machines and equipment, it becomes important to upgrade the connectors and to meet the new generation requirements, plug-and-play industrial connectors are introduced. Let us understand the different types of industrial connectors that are used by engineers to design various machines. 

Different Types of Industrial Connectors

  • Ethernet Connectors: This type of connector is used to create internet connections. For large industries relying on the WiFi connection is quite risky and they preferred their critical system to be connected through wires. Hence, for the connection of big machines and servers to the local system RJ 45 connectors are used which are the type of ethernet of connectors. The industrial applications which require high-speed data transmissions use RJ10G which are 10GBPS high-speed communication cables. 
  • Rectangular Connectors: These types of connectors are used to create the connection between local systems or one machine to another. For example, for taking out the prints, the huge printing machines are to be connected with the local systems, and to make it more reliable, rectangular connectors are used. With the help of rectangular connectors, it becomes easier to pass the signals to various other contact points.
  • Circular Connectors: These are the most commonly used connectors that are used in all types of machines which helps them in providing power supply. The circular connectors help in connecting the whole controlling system to the main machines. They are very easy to connect and disconnect hence, make the installation process easy and time-saving. They are used with the equipment that works in harsh and extreme environmental conditions. They are designed so perfectly that they can be used in extreme wet, hot, cold, or any other conditions without causing any damage to the device. They are very popular in aerospace industries where they are used to connect the micro-components of the aircraft.
  • Heavy-Duty Electric Connectors: Heavy-duty machines require high power and for that, these special connectors are designed. They make the heavy-duty machine connections easier. Such machines require high voltage transfer and the heavy-duty electric connectors help run the power efficiently throughout the systems. These electric connectors are also made for harsh environmental conditions and the material used for this makes them robust and highly durable. With the help of such connectors, the life of such machines increases. Visit Allied Connectors.